Demo HTTP Post for using the Source Code Verfication Submission API (View Page source to see code) [Reset]

1. You will need an BscScan APIkey
2. Current daily limit of 100 submissions per day per user (subject to change)
3. Only supports HTTP post due to max transfer size limitations for http get
4. Supports up to 10 different libraries
5. Contracts that use "imports" will need to have the ode concatenated into one file as we do not support "imports" in separate files. You can try using the Blockcat solidity-flattener or SolidityFlattery
6. Upon successful submission you will receive a GUID as a receipt. You may use this GUID to track the status of your submission
Set to use API Endpoint: (Please set to the correct chain/network api endpoint)

APIKey: (User your BscScan Dev. API Key)
module: (Don't change)
action: (Don't change)
codeformat: (solidity-single-file, solidity-standard-json-input)
contractname: (if codeformat=solidity-standard-json-input, then enter contractname as ex: ERC-20.sol:ERC-20)
compilerversion: (See Supported Solidity Versions for the complete list
optimizationUsed: (0=Disable, 1=Enabled)
runs: (Valid range from 0 to 1000000)
constructorArguments: (if applicable)
licenseType: (For the types of licenses, please refer to

Libraries (if applicable) - Supports up to 10 different libraries

libraryname1:  libraryaddress1:
libraryname2:  libraryaddress2:
libraryname3:  libraryaddress3:
libraryname4:  libraryaddress4:
libraryname5:  libraryaddress5:
libraryname6:  libraryaddress6:
libraryname7:  libraryaddress7:
libraryname8:  libraryaddress8:
libraryname9:  libraryaddress9:
libraryname10:  libraryaddress10:


Receipt GUID To Lookup: